Referee Store
RegattaPrint is your one-stop shop for USRowing Referee Crest branded apparel, flags, gear and swag. If it can be printed or embroidered, we can do it!
There are NO store window restrictions (when you didn't want to shop anyway) and NO minimum purchase quantities (YES - we'll make just ONE for you). Buy WHEN you want, WHAT you want. Caveat, as a general rule, items ordered by the 15th of the month will ship by the end of the month. That doesn't necessarily mean that we will only ship once at the end of the month. It just means that at a minimum or worst case, we will ship any items ordered by the 15th by the end of the month. We just can't guarantee to drop everything to make/embroider/personalize your item at the drop of a hat.
We are working on an inexpensive Referee Bag, stocked with basic gear. Check back as we get that pulled together.